Micro5                                        Sound Level Measurement
Less decibels!
8 February, 2021 by
Micro5                                        Sound Level Measurement
CHIRON Swiss SA, Julian Darbellay

The results of the acoustic test of the Micro5 (V2) are here!

Carried out by an expert, the measurements make it possible to qualify the noise emitted at the workstation while operating the Micro5 machining center. They were realized with a class 1 sound level meter (type Norsonic 150) for two spindle speeds (60'000.- rpm and 45'000.- rpm), without machining. The sound levels are characterized by marked tonal components at frequencies corresponding to the spindle speed (800 Hz or 1000 Hz).


La Micro5 V2 émet

51.3 dB(A) à 60'000.- tr/min et 49.2 dB(A) à 45'000.- tr/min.

Cela représente un niveau sonore "agréable" équivalent à un lave-vaisselle ! A titre de comparaison, la Série 00 affichait 62.7 dB(A) à 60'000.- tr/min, la Série 01, 60.01 dB(A) ; c'est donc une réduction sonore de 8.8 dB(A) pour la la Série 2. 

To sum it up, in addition to being compact, the Micro5 is silent and can therefore also be set in a quiet environment!

Micro5                                        Sound Level Measurement
CHIRON Swiss SA, Julian Darbellay 8 February, 2021