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CimArk's mission is to develop products and services that provide concrete support to SMEs, start-ups, public authorities, universities and institutions. All this with the aim of strengthening competitiveness by increasing the degree of innovation.

CimArk provides support to SMEs in their search for competitiveness and professional support to start-ups. Thanks to a vast network of regional, national and international expertise, CimArk answers the questions of any entrepreneur concerned about the smooth running of his business.
Fondation Suisse pour le climat
Fondation Suisse pour le climat
The Swiss Climate Foundation is a joint foundation of various service companies. It is therefore a voluntary initiative of the economy for the economy.

It supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It has no obligation towards the Confederation and can therefore also finance small projects with a simple and rapid contribution of a few hundred or thousands of francs.

The Swiss Climate Foundation supports projects in the economic sector with funds from its business community.
HE-Arc - Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie
HE-Arc - Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie
Created in 2004 in order to bring together the UAS forces of the cantons of the Jura Arc, the HE-Arc today welcomes more than 3000 students, professors and collaborators on its main training campuses in Neuchâtel and Delémont as well as within its applied research and development units in the Bernese Jura and the Neuchâtel mountains.

Driven by a desire for innovation, creativity, dynamism and transparency, it pursues the main missions entrusted to the universities by the Confederation in the fields of education and research.

Thanks to the skills of its teaching staff, the diversity of its training courses and the quality of its facilities, the Haute Ecole Arc is a recognised player and a privileged partner of the industrial, political, academic and institutional worlds.
Solar Impulse - World alliance for efficient solutions
Solar Impulse - World alliance for efficient solutions
The Global Alliance for Efficient Solutions brings together start-ups, companies, institutions and organisations that produce, implement or support the use of sustainable and clean technologies. Together, members share experiences by creating synergies to improve the global value chain and demonstrate concrete solutions to achieve environmental goals.

The association is registered under Swiss law, with its main office in Lausanne, the alliance is a non-profit company. In order to guarantee its independence, members must sign the alliance's charter which defines the values and principles to be followed.

It is the Solar Impulse Foundation that founded the Global Alliance for Efficient Solutions. The alliance is entirely managed and founded by its partners and private donors. It also benefits from the various communication channels of the Solar Impulse Foundation.