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  • Consumable
  • Holders
  • Palletizing and clamping
  • Presetting
Colletholder HSK-AZ15-MEGA3S-25 (indexed), with clamping nut - BIG KAISER
BIG KAISER - Indexed Colletholder for micro machining
Maximum limit of 80'000 rpm
Micro-machining tool holder with clamping nut - HSK-AZ 15 / ERMS 8 x 021 (indexed)
REGO-FIX indexed Colletholder for micro machining
HSK-AZ 15 / ERMS 8 x 021
Micro-machining tool holder with clamping nut - HSK-AZ 15 / ERMS 11 x 024 (indexed)
REGO-FIX indexed Colletholder for micro machining
HSK-AZ 15 / ERMS 11 x 024
Collet Chuck HSK-EZ15-MEGA4S-28, with clamping nut - BIG KAISER
Clamping range 0.45 to 4.05 mm.
Recommended tightening torque with MEGA torque wrench
Maximum limit of 80'000 rpm
Colletholder for micro machining ATC-E 15 / SR 6 x 022 with clamping nut, balanced to 80'000 min-1 - REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Colletholder for micro machining with clamping nut, balanced to 80'000 min-1
ATC-E 15 / SR 6 x 022
Collet Chuck HSK-EZ15-MEGA3S-25, with clamping nut - BIG KAISER
Clamping range 0.45 to 3.25 mm.
Recommended tightening torque with MEGA torque wrench
Maximum limit of 80'000 rpm
Compatible Holders MEGA
Draft palett Micro5
Base palett to process under desired geometry
Unhardened steel
Clamping nut ER 11 MS Mini high-speed REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Clamping nut Mini high-speed
ER 11 MS
Clamping nut ER 8 MS Mini high-speed REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Clamping nut Mini high-speed
Clamping nut SRMS 6 Mini high-speed REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Clamping nut Mini high-speed
Collet ER 11-UP / ultra-precision - REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Collet ER-UP / ultra-precision
Collet ER 8-UP / ultra-precision - REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Collet ER-UP / ultra-precision
Micro-bore collet ER 8-MB - REGO-FIX
REGO-FIX Micro-bore collet
MicroLube GB 00
Graissage des rails de guidage linéaires des Micro5 Série 1 (Lubrification centralisée)
Micro5 série 0: utiliser Klüberplex BE 31-102 [013 376]