Education platform
Construisez de véritable plateforme de production. Partagez-les avec vos étudiants.
Design methodology
Learn from HE-Arc and transfer the values and goals of an "advanced technological solution for a responsible and highly productive manufacturing"
CONTACTER LA HE-ARCThe teachers can
Work online
Working in the cloud avoids installation on computers. Moreover, the students can work from their own computers at home!
Simple access to the data
No need to create the same database with the teacher's data, over and over again. The students can just "pick up" their teacher's database from the platform!
Unlimited databases
Be aware that an education database is valid for 10 months. Teachers can recreate other ones, which will be again valid for 10 months from the date of creation.
Simple management and IoT
Manage different users (students) and databases (all unlimited) and the IoTbox from the teacher's account.
How to Start?
When you choose to start a free trial, just make sure that the url (under the Company name) starts with the prefix "edu-" (ex: "").
Your database will last 10 months, as long as you:
Start the database name with "edu-"
Activate your database from the email sent to your inbox.
Read the Education Guidelines to make sure you're not missing any important information!
Read the Odoo documentation to get started with Odoo quickly.
Get trained on the software by following videos on the E-learning platform
Already more than 300 teachers use Odoo!
Subscribe to the Teacher Mailing List and start sharing ideas with over 300 teachers around the world

Odoo and Factory5
A lot of people are asking me "where should I start digitizing my factory?" I started eleven years ago with the solution from Odoo in Open Source.
Au début, je devais facturer et nous avons installé l'application Comptabilité. Aujourd'hui, nous les utilisons quasi toutes!
Au fur et à mesure que la société a grandi et évolué nous avons simplement installé des apps en fonction des nouveaux besoins.
Actuellement nous travaillons fort pour développer une IoT box destinée aux manufacturiers. Les PME ont besoin de solutions pour digitaliser leur business et créer leur propre plateforme de production.
Use a real ERP tool in your classroom.
The education platform is free for all teacher and education purposes.