Cleaning filters

Machining area primary filter

The filter above the machining area must be cleaned regularly a).
Use a long-bristle brush to clean this filter and remove any residue with the machining waste.

Suction system filter (if option included)

The suction system enables the suction, separation of suspended particles, solids (dust) and liquids (oil) and, depending on the options, fumes and particles of sub-micron dimensions.

Prior recommendations:

  • The unit must be isolated from the power supply before any work is started.

  • Do not operate the unit without the outer casing mounted.

  • Make sure the drum is stopped before removing the outer casing..

  • Do not place hands or objects into the unit through the soundproofing foam in the drum.

  • The safety nuts holding the casing clips must be permanently attached.

  • An oil leak can cause damage. The entire Filtermist system should be checked regularly for oil leaks. Daily inspection of the unit and the extraction nozzle is recommended.


  1. Remove the safety nuts and lift the fixing clips.

  2. Separate the upper and lower parts.

  3. Remove the old seal.
  4. Clean the crown where the half casings meet and clean the drain hole.
  5. Remove any used drum foam, clean the inside of the drum and check for damage.
  6. Install the new pads in the drum.
  7. Install the new seal..
  8. Make sure the inner grill is clean and clear..
  9. Reassemble the unit. IMPORTANT! Make sure the safety bolts are mounted on the casing clips.
  10. Check the secondary filter (depending on the model) and replace it if necessary.
Electrical cabinet filters

The system must be powered off before these filters can be inspected or replaced.

  1. Pull on the bottom of the logo on the grille..

  2. Swing the grille down and remove the filter mat.
  3. Clean (vacuum) or replace the filter mat..
  4. If necessary, clean the grille with a damp or dry cloth (microfiber))
  5. Replace the filter mat in the grille.
  6. Close the grille by pivoting it upwards and make sure it is locked (the logo must be flush with the grille)

a) The inspection, cleaning and replacement intervals for these components are highly dependent on the conditions of use, maintenance and the atmosphere in which the system is installed. It is essential to periodically check the condition of the components and adjust the inspection strategy accordingly. In any case, it is recommended that all filters be inspected at least once a year.

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