Cleaning the machining area

Cleaning the machining area

Use only lint-free cleaning cloths for cleaning..

Use suitable environmentally-friendly cleaners.

Please note!

Do not use aggressive solvents, such as::

  • chlorinated hydrocarbons

  • acetone

or similar products. These can damage plastic parts or seals..


Never clean the machine with compressed air, propeller tools or a high pressure cleaner (steam jet). This could result in chips entering the guideways, spindle housings or tool holders.

Chip evacuation


Removal of sharp-edged chips..

Risk of eye injury and cuts to hands.

  • Do not use compressed air to clean the machine and the workpiece.

  • Wear protective glasses and gloves to protect against contact with chips.

  • Use appropriate tools for chip removal, such as a brush, broom and vacuum cleaner.

  • Do not use sharp or pointed objects near the fabric in the machining area. This could damage it and allow chips to reach the guideways.


  • Do not use compressed air to clean the machine and the workpiece.

  • Never use compressed air in the vicinity of the SCARA manipulator.

  • Mandatory hand protection!

  • Wear protective gloves when removing chips.

  • Use eye protection!

  • When cleaning the machine, wear safety glasses..

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