Annual Maintenance (2000h)
Annual maintenance plan (2000h)
2000 hours
In addition to the monthly inspection points
Visual inspection
Machining area
Check the condition of the microlubrication nozzle
Check the joint mountings and play
Check the condition of the fixing pin at the end of the arm
Check the condition of the Z belts and joints
Check the condition of the disks, collets and jaws..
Check the condition of the pivot and the structure of the magazine, connection to the gate
Check the adjustment and condition of the mechanical stop..
Suction and filtration system
Check the condition of the connection hose
Check, clean or replace the pre-filter in the machining booth
Check, clean or replace the main filter
Check and clean the oil absorbing foam
Check and clean the oil trap
No impact, wear or shocks on the external parts..
General condition of the machine
Check, clean or replace the fan filters
Check, clean or replace the compressed air filter
Check the condition of the compressed air filter tank
Functional test
Functional test
Operation of collets and collet position sensors for tool holder disks
Operation of the collet locking system
Operation and play of the SCARA connection with the disks and the gripper in all positions
Operation of the pallet presence sensors
Operation of the gripper collet and the position sensors
Operation of the probe magazine
Operation of the tool breakage detection
Operation of the lubrication systems
Operation of the suction and filtration system
Replace the compressed air filter [Filter cartridge]
Replace the SCARA toothed belts[Toothed belt MGT3-100-3] + [Toothed belt 2MGT3-164-3]
Replace the suction incinerable sheet
Replace the ventilation filters [204x204 ventilation outlet grille]
Replace the suction system filter[Filter set (4 pieces) for S200]
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