Adjusting the tool holder disk collet sensors

Adjusting the tool holder disk collet sensors

The collets located in the storage area of the Micro5 hold the tool holder disks in place when not in use (loaded by the SCARA robot). These collets are themselves equipped with 2 sensors to determine their status (open/closed, disk in place). This information is used by the Micro5 during the tool holder disk pick-up/set down cycle.

  • The robot should only set down or pick up the disk on the collet if the collet is correctly opened.

  • The collet must be properly closed in order to release the tool holder disk locking mechanism and thus allow the disk to be set down.

If the Micro5 fails to pick up or set down a disk, one of the possible causes is incorrect detection of the tool holder collet position. The PLC's I/O screen displays the signal status. Each sensor is also equipped with an LED indicator that represents the status of the sensor (on = detection, off = non-detection). If the signal displayed on the interface does not correspond to the signal emitted by the sensor, there is an inconsistency and the problem may be in the connection.

If the signal is consistent, it is worth checking and, if necessary, correcting the position of the tool holder disk collet sensors, if necessary .

Sensor adjustment must be performed with a properly fitted tool holder disk.

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Wrong setting

--> The 2 sensors are active at the same time. Their setting is incorrect.

Each sensor represents one collet position. Open or closed. The 2 sensors must not detect an incorrect collet position

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Setting the open collet

--> In the open position, the left detector must be on. The "Collet x open" signal must also be present at the interface. The "Collet x open" signal must not be present at the interface.

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Adjustment of the closed collet

--> in closed position, with a disk positioned on the collet, the right detector must be on. The "Collet x closed" signal must also be present at the interface. The "Collet x open" signal must not be present at the interface.

To adjust the position of the sensors, slightly loosen the screw on the flange. Adjust the sensor to the desired position. Activate the collet and check the signal return at the interface. Once the sensor is set, tighten the flange firmly and check the signals one last time.

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Risk of damage

Incorrect adjustment of the sensors may result in damage to the tool discs, the magazine, and the SCARA. Make sure that the information is correctly represented on the interface before performing tests. Perform the tests carefully and at a low speed.

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