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Signal acquisition (scope)

In order to display certain Micro5 signals on the interface, it is possible to use an integrated utility program.

Initial installation

The software is not installed by default on the Micro5 series 0 and 1. However, it can be installed by the user directly on the machine.


  • The Micro5 must be operational (connected and powered)

  • Machine on


  1.  Download the TwinCAT development environment (FULL)
    -> TC31-FULL-Setup.3.1.4024.12.exe 

  2. Transfer the file on the Micro5 (via UCB or network) to the target folder: C:\TwinCAT\Librairies

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3) Run this file as "Administrator"

4) Start the installation --> "Next >"

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Odoo • Image et Texte

5) Accept the conditions and go to the next step --> "Next >"

6) Accept the license conditions and go to the next step --> "Next >"

7) Select the "Complete" installation type and go to the next step

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Odoo • Image et Texte

8) Make sure that both boxes are checked and go to the next step --> "Next >"

9) Validate and confirm the installation

6) When the installation procedure is complete, check that the program is correctly installed --> Start menu / Beckhoff / TE130x Scope View (TcXaeShell)

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Full documentation for the ScopeViewControl module is available on the manufacturer's InfoSys page.

  1. Launch the "TE130x Scope View (TcXaeShell)" program --> Start menu / Beckhoff / TE130x Scope View (TcXaeShell)

  2. Select the type of graph

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