Operation of the automatic lubrication

The automatic lubrication system is fitted to all Micro5 machines from SN/001598. The automatic lubrication system supplies clean grease to the guideways of the X, Y and Z axes of the NC part only. The ballscrews and other moving parts must be manually greased as recommended.

Activation of automatic lubrication

  • In "Mecatis" mode: lubrication possible at any time using the G800 command

  • In "Maintenance" mode: lubrication possible every 320 h of spindle operation          --> with a Warning that indicates that 320 h have elapsed since the last lubrication in "Maintenance" mode.

  • With any other mode (below "Maintenance"): no lubrication possible

Command G800

  1. Movements in XYZ then

  2. Greasing (pneumatic activation 1x) then

  3. XYZ movements

If condition (1) not met:

  1. Movements in XYZ then

  2. No lubrication (no pneumatic activation) then

  3. XYZ movements

G800 cycle time: approx. 30s

G800 prerequisite

  • Remove the tool (indicated in the console in English 03.03.2020)

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