Incorrect use

List of incorrect uses

The following examples of incorrect use fall under the definition of "misuse":

  • Machining workpieces made of explosive or flammable materials without proper machine equipment (e.g. fire protection and explosion protection).

  • Machining workpieces that generate vapors and dust that are hazardous to health without proper machine equipment (e.g. exhaust system).

  • The use of unauthorized lubricating coolants because they have, for example, better properties for machining, but they damage the machine components.

  • Access behind the machine cover, magazine area or pallet magazine area without, for example, stopping the machine properly and safely.

  • Performance of repairs by insufficiently qualified personnel.

  • Performance of cleaning work without observing the measures indicated in these operating instructions.

  • Operating the machine with a damaged protective fabric in the machining area.  Chips could enter the guideways.

  • Using or storing the workpiece probe in an environment where it is exposed to oil splashes.

  • Exposing the workpiece clamping cartridge to oil with no pallet clamped..

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