Annual Maintenance (2000h)

Annual maintenance plan (2000h)

2000 hours

In addition to the monthly inspection points

Visual inspection

  • Machining area

    • Check the condition of the microlubrication nozzle


    • Check the joint mountings and play

    • Check the condition of the fixing pin at the end of the arm

    • Check the condition of the Z belts and joints


    • Check the condition of the disks, collets and jaws..

    • Check the condition of the pivot and the structure of the magazine, connection to the gate

    • Check the adjustment and condition of the mechanical stop..

  • Suction and filtration system

    • Check the condition of the connection hose

    • Check, clean or replace the pre-filter in the machining booth

    • Check, clean or replace the main filter

    • Check and clean the oil absorbing foam

    • Check and clean the oil trap

    • No impact, wear or shocks on the external parts..

  • General condition of the machine

    • Check, clean or replace the fan filters

    • Check, clean or replace the compressed air filter

    • Check the condition of the compressed air filter tank

Functional test

  • Functional test

  • Operation of collets and collet position sensors for tool holder disks

  • Operation of the collet locking system

  • Operation and play of the SCARA connection with the disks and the gripper in all positions

  • Operation of the pallet presence sensors

  • Operation of the gripper collet and the position sensors

  • Operation of the probe magazine

  • Operation of the tool breakage detection

  • Operation of the lubrication systems

  • Operation of the suction and filtration system


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