Configurable acceleration of the XYZ axes
Configurable acceleration of the XYZ axes
Available for Micro5 series 2 and later (from SN/002025)
A cursor has been added to the CNC view to modify the acceleration of the XYZ axes in automatic and MDI mode.
By default, after the Micro5 is restarted, the acceleration value of the axes is 1.5G.
It is possible to set the acceleration from 0.5 to 2.5G in increments of 0.25G by pressing the keys and
as shown in the images below :
Acceleration 0.5G :
Acceleration 1.5G :
Acceleration 2.5G :
![Odoo • Image et Texte](/web/image/188231/1729-33_Danger%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral.jpg?access_token=10f918bf-991d-42a1-9e53-66c5bbdff05e)
Changing the axis acceleration to a value greater than 1.5G reduces the initial life of the machine.
The modification can only be made by a "Super User", "Maintenance" or "Administrator" when the CNC is not running.
The new value is assigned to the axes when a program is started in automatic or MDI mode (Start button):
The acceleration value can be changed if the milling program is paused, but this will only be taken into account when the milling program is completely reset (Reset → Start):
Machining program → →
→ Change value →
New acceleration settings
Machining program → → change value →
New acceleration NOT set up!
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