Wired control

  1. Emergency stop

  2. Selection of the axis

  3. Selection of the pulse granularity

  4. Pulse button

  5. Assent button

  6. Rotating wheel

Remark: if the wire control is not connected, the machine cannot be operated!

Odoo • une photo avec une légende

Remote control functions depending on conditions:

  • With the door open

    • Manual movement of the CNC/SCARA/Partition

    • [4 axes] Opening/closing of YERLY collets

  • After an emergency stop

    • Hold for 2 seconds → Open the doors

 Remote control functions depending on the page displayed on the interface:

  • In "Main Page"

    • Forcing homing (re-homing) of the CNC

  •  In "CNC manager" or "SCARA manager"

    • Forcing movement of the partition (without SCARA referenced)

    • Up/down movement of the probe magazine

  • In "SCARA manager

    • "Launch tools charging" command

    • "Launch control tools" command

  • In "SCARA manager" >> "Teaching manager".

    • Deleting SCARA positions

    • Copy of the SCARA "base" positions

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