LED strip colors
LED strip colors
The Micro5 is equipped with LED strips integrated into its structure. These indicators light up in different colors depending on the status of the Micro5. The strips are located at the horizontal joint between the lower part (liquid-chip cabinet) and the upper part (machining center) as well as at the vertical joint to the right of the door of the machining part.
The colors are partially based on the EN 60204-1 standard (color code for indicators and push buttons) according to the principle:
- Red = emergency signal requiring action from the operator (emergency stop for example).
- Yellow = indicates an abnormal condition such as malfunctioning of a machine component.
- Green = indicates a normal condition such as operation in progress, cycle ready.
- Blue = indicates a condition requiring mandatory action from the operator (reset)..
- White = used for monitoring, as in voltage presence
The colors of the LED strips on the Micro5 have the following meaning:
Machine powered on
Machine in production
Green-White alternating
End of machining (Code M100)
Operator intervention required
Open door
Abnormal condition (Warning or error)
Abnormal condition (Emergency stop or fault)
Purple (short impulsion)
Authorization to open the door
Standby mode
Changing colors
Run-in & demo mode (M130)
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