Messages during machining

Messages during machining  

124 VDC power supply faulty
224 VDC circuit breaker faulty
3UPS faulty/Machine power supply OUT
11Emergency stop pressed
12Door(s) open
21Temperature of electrical box too high (> 50 °C)
22Air pressure too low (< 4 bar)
31Drive M1 faulty
32Drive M1 faulty
33Drive M2 faulty
34Drive M3Z faulty
35Drive M4 faulty
36Partition drive faulty
41Axes moving with pallet unclamped
42Spindle turning with tool unclamped
43Spindle temperature exceeded
44X axis current exceeded
45Y axis current exceeded
46Z axis current exceeded
47B axis current exceeded
48C axis current exceeded
49Spindle current exceeded
50Spindle speed 0 %.
51Tool change error: Distance and/or time of use exceeded
52Tool change error: Same tool requested
53Tool change error: A tool is in the spindle
54Tool change error: No tool is in the spindle
55Tool change error: Probe held in the spindle
56Tool change error: CNC or SCARA not working
57Tool change error: SCARA or partition in manual mode
58Tool change error: Tool not found
59Tool change error: Unable to insert the tool or time exceeded
60Tool change error: Sequence stopped by operator
61Tool change error: Wait until spindle temperature below 55 °C
66Disk change error: Unable to pick up/set down the disk
67Disk change error: Sequence stopped by operator
68Disk change error: All disks are full
71Pallet magazine not configured
72Board change error: CNC or SCARA not working
73Board change error: SCARA or partition in manual mode
74Board change error: Plate cannot be changed
75Board change error: Sequence stopped by operator
76Board change error: Plate magazine full
81Probe change error: CNC or SCARA not working
82Probe change error: SCARA or partition in manual mode
83Probe change error: A tool is detected in the spindle before the probe is loaded
84Probe change error: The probe is not detected in the spindle
85Probe change error: Probe cannot be loaded into the spindle
86Probe change error: Probe cannot be inserted or time exceeded
87Probe change error: Sequence stopped by operator
91Tool check error: The configuration is incorrect
92Tool check error: The sequence is incorrect
93Tool check error: Sequence stopped by operator
96Tool breakage: Test not in order
97Tool breakage: Test not performed within the time limit
1Fan circuit breaker faulty
11Door opening not allowed
21High electrical cabinet temperature (> 45 °C)
22Low air pressure (< 4 bar)
23Spindle temperature too high
24Sealing pressure too high
25Low sealing pressure
26Spindle operating for more than 1000 h
27Low lubrication oil level
31Temperature sensor in electrical box faulty
32Spindle temperature sensor faulty
33Spindle temperature sensor disconnected
41CNC not referenced
42Pallet unclamped: No axis movements permitted
43No tool in spindle: Spindle rotation not permitted
51SCARA not slaved
52SCARA not referenced
53SCARA requires referencing 
54SCARA in manual mode
55Partition in manual mode
61Partition more than 10,000 cycles
71SCARA Z axis brake locked
72Disk no. 1 collet not correctly clamped
73Disk no. 1 collet not correctly unclamped
74Disk no. 2 collet not correctly clamped
76Disk no. 3 collet not correctly clamped 
77Disk no. 3 collet not correctly unclamped
78Gripper collet not correctly clamped
79Gripper collet not correctly unclamped
91Spindle rotation and axis movement authorized [M111/RESET to deactivate].
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