Series, variants, options and accessories

Series, variants, options and accessories

Since its creation, the Micro5 has been regularly updated and improved. Several series and variants are currently in service and new ones are in development.

The Micro5s are delivered pre-assembled with the options and accessories configured when ordered. Without any indication, the Micro5 is delivered without options or accessories. The options are delivered without accessories.

Series & variants

  • The series represent the successive "Versions" of the Micro5.
    Each new series brings significant improvements..

  • The variants represent a Micro5 architecture.
    The variant is chosen according to the intended use of the Micro5 and determines the characteristics of the machine (e.g. 4 or 5 axes).

The series currently marketed is series 2. Series 0 and 1 are no longer sold as new equipment.


Serie 0

Serial number range
SN/000202 - SN/000204

- 4 ou 5 axes


Serie 1

Serial number range
SN/000244 - SN/002024

- 4 ou 5 axes
- Standalone ou établi


Serie 2

Serial number range
Dès SN/002025 -->

- 4 or 5 axes

- Standalone ou workbench
- Feed5

The options are optional equipment integrated into the Micro5 during manufacture. In principle, it is possible to retrofit a Micro5 with options. Some options (extinguishing, suction) are nevertheless available as retrofits but their installation requires the intervention of a technician on site.

All options are presented in theshop with their complete specifications.

The overview of the machine can be ordered form the shop and assembled/used directly by the end user

The accessories pcan be ordered on the shop and assembled/used directly by the end user.

All the accessories and their specifications are included in the shop. shop.


  • The accessories can be ordered from the shop and installed by the end user.

  • Some options and accessories are not available on all variants and series..

  • Options can be fitted by qualified CHIRON Swiss technicians, either on site after the machine has been delivered (retrofitting) or once the machine has been returned to the assembly shop. Some options cannot be fitted after the machine has been assembled.

  • Conversion after delivery of the machine (retrofitting) from one series or variant to another is not possible (for example: 4 axis ⇏ 5 axis / series 1 ⇏series 2 )

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