Safety components

To prevent personal injury, the machine is equipped with various fixed or movable guards as listed below.

TAll of these guards must be properly installed BEFORE the machine is used..

5-axis machining center

  1. Door to the machining area, interlocking with Sick key

  2. Access gate to the SCARA area, interlocking with Sick key

  3. Sliding partition wall separating the machining area/SCARA area, PILZ safety sensor

  4. Rear cover, fixed guard

  5. Lockable electrical cabinet door with bit key

  6. Lockable pneumatic cabinet door with square key

  7. Emergency stop

Machine zones

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Illustration 12 : machine zones

Illustration 12: Machine zones

  1. machining area (green)

  2. scara zone (red)

  3. mechanical zone (blue)

Zones 1 and 2 are machine-secure zones. They are separated by the sliding partition that allows access to one area while keeping the other one operational.

Mechanical zone 3 is only accessible in repair and maintenance mode by securing the energy supplies and removing the fixed guards.

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