Executing a machining program (Automatic)

Executing a machining program (Automatic)

Executing a program involves machining a part on the machine using the program entered. The part is machined in automatic mode, as soon as the program has been started.


The following conditions must be met before executing a program :

  • the axes must be activated (button 21 in blue)

  • the axes are referenced (axis labels in green in zone 29))

  • the SCARA must be activated and referenced

  • the tool correctors and the necessary origin offsets have been introduced

  • the doors are closed


  1. Select a program

  2. Open the file selection window with button 30 in automatic mode.

Developing of a program

  1. Test the syntax

  2. Block-by-block execution

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Regular inspection and cleaning

Use in automatic mode enables production at a sustained rate, even continuously depending on the machine's feeding mode (automatic loading). Nevertheless, regular inspection, cleaning and removal of chips from sensitive areas is necessary to ensure normal operation. Particular attention must be paid to the sensitive parts of the machine:

  • Rear part of the machining area (guides, rules, ballscrews, etc.)

  • Storage part (SCARA, guiding, ballscrew, etc.)

  • Tool and spindle taper

Regular cleaning of the entire machine is necessary to ensure continuous operation of the machine.

For chip-intensive machining or machining of materials

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Additional inspection and cleaning

When machining certain materials (e.g. synthetic materials, composites, etc.) or using certain machining methods that generate certain types of chips (very small chips, highly volatile, etc.), it is necessary to perform additional inspections of sensitive areas and more in-depth cleaning. In the most critical cases, the use of a suitable suction system is necessary.

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