Integrations & third party software

Integrations & third party software

This page includes some useful files and links to external resources. We provide this content free of charge but cannot guarantee its support, updating or accuracy.  Please contact the software publishers directly, they usually offer efficient technical support.


A wide variety of CAD programs can be used to design and prepare parts for machining with the Micro5. Post-processors allow the generation of code adapted to the target machine.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of existing post-processors:

The following function microprograms are integrated into the Micro5 and are available in the C:\Nc\Process directory:

  • 3D simplifiée partie usinage Micro5 V2: axes B+C   

  • 3D simplifiée partie usinage Micro5 V3: Zone d'usinage 

  • 3D fastening elements, palletization and tools: links to STEP files are available on the online shop 

Odoo • Image et Texte

Over-under active positioning

  • STP complete version 

  • STP light version 

Peripheral software

This software allows you to manage measurement peripherals adapted to the adjustment of tools and the verification of produced parts.

  • Interface software for SYLVAC measurement tools 

Internal link "Commissioning" chapter :

- Installation and use of the Sylvac data acquisition software

Odoo • Image et Texte

Limits of liability

Chiron SWISS focuses on the Micro5 and offers support in the use of the machine. For specific questions regarding CAD, CAM and post-processor software, we can offer you limited support.

The publishers of these programs offer you a complete support of their software as well as a training offer adapted to all situations, do not hesitate to contact directly the publishers of these software. The programs are developed and maintained by their respective authors.

Chiron SWISS does not provide support for third-party software. The use of these files and the above links remains the responsibility of the user and/or their publisher.

The step files are provided as a courtesy and are not a substitute for a physical set-up by a qualified mechanic. The end user remains responsible for their use.

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