G/M function codes

 The programming syntax used by the Micro5 conforms to standard ISO6983 / DIN 66025 (G-Code) with a few exceptions (list).

The control (interface) is based on the Beckhoff TwinCAT CNC standard, which is itself based on the ISG kernel.


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Beckhoff InfoSys

Beckhoff Information System The Beckhoff Information System contains documentation with examples and illustrations to help you understand the operation of the CNC programming module integrated in the Micro5.

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ISG-kernel CNC

The complete documentation of the ISG kernel, including the programming manual, is available from the manufacturer: Online-Doc ISG


Here you will find the codes for particular functions or sequences suitable for the Micro5.

  • Summary PDF (Serie 1: SN/000244-SN/002024): 

  • Summary PDF (Serie 2: From SN/002025): 

Additional information and warnings are shown at the bottom of the page.

G Codes (Preparatory and auxiliary functions)
M Codes (Program management)

Programm Management

  • M0    Stop program

  • M1    Stop an optional program

  • M29    End of sub-program

  • M30    End of program

  • M102    Start program duration counter

  • M103    Stop program duration counter


  • M3    Start spindle clockwise at Sxxxxx [rpm]

  • M4    Start spindle counterclockwise at Sxxxxx [rpm].

  • M5    Spindle stop


  • M6    Start tool change sequence Tx

  • G806 Start preparation sequence for tool "x" [0P1](IV)

  • M25    Unclamp tool holder

  • M26    Clamp tool holder

  • M27    Clean spindle cone

  • M28    Stop spindle cone cleaning

  • M29    Stop subprogram

  • M30    Stop program

  • M109    Force detection of "probe in spindle" (III)

  • M110    Up to SN/002024: Force detection of "tool in spindle" and "pallet locked" (III)

  • M110    From SN/002025: Ottet collet clamping

  • M111    Up to SN/002024: Deactivation of "probe in spindle", "tool in spindle" and "pallet locked" detection forcing(III)

  • M111    Dès SN/002025: déserrage pince ottet


  • M10      Lock pallets

  • M11       Déverouillage palette

  • M110 Dès SN/002025: Serrage pince ottet

  • M111 Jusqu'à SN/002024: Désactivation des forçages de la détection "palpeur en broche", "outil en broche" et "palette verrouillée" (III)

  • M111 Dès SN/002025: déserrage pince ottet

  • M112 Dès SN/002025: Activation soufflage sous palette OU libération platine avec susous actif

  • M113    From SN/002025: Deactivation of blowing under pallet OR release of plate with top/bottom active


  • M150     Gripper changeover sequence [0P11](III)

  • M151     Gripper unloading sequence [0P11](IV)

  • M159    Robot unloading sequence

  • M160    Déplacement du SCARA en position initiale (permet d'ouvrir la porte du magasin) (II)

  • M161    Disk no. 1 loading sequence

  • M162    Disk no. 2 loading sequence

  • M163    Disk no. 3 loading sequence

  • M164 Disk no. 4 loading sequence [OP12](IV)(IV)

  • M165 Disk no. 5 loading sequence [OP12](IV)(IV)

    Lubrification / blowing

  • M8    Start lubrication [OP2/4] (IV) (IV)

  • M81    Oil-free lubrication start [OP2/4](IV)

  • M82    Start fixture blowing sequence

  • M83    Start air blowing (tool blowing + spindle cooling)

  • M84 M84    Stop air blowing (tool blowing + spindle cooling)

  • M85    Start oil lubrication [OP2/4] (IV)

  • M9    Stop lubrication/blowing [OP2/4] (IV)


  • M15    Open partition

  • M16    Close partition


  • M100    Activate "end of program" signal

  • M101    Stop "end of program" signal

  • M120    Red light on

  • M121    Yellow light on

  • M130    Activate the LED demonstration sequence


  • M87    up to SN/002024: Automatic lubrication cycle

  • M104    Activate switchable glass

  • M105    Deactivate switchable glass

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(I) Probe magazine

  • When the probe is not in use, plug the female connector with the male connector attached to the cabin.

  • The probe must not be used for automatic loading when oil is used!

  • The probe magazine must not be left without a tool for a prolonged period (>10 min)

  • The probe is not suitable for use with oil

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(II) Code M160

Only from software version: 15.07.2020 at 13:00

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(III) Forcing

Forcing values or states (detection, presence, position, etc.) means that the Micro5 control system no longer has reliable feedback on the real state of these values. When forcing values or states, the user must be aware of the consequences for the operation of the Micro5, especially operation in inappropriate conditions. Knowledge of the consequences of forcing values or states is necessary before performing this operation.

Dangerous operation and/or damage may result if the Micro5 is used to force values or states.


  • Spindle rotation is possible even without a tool if detection of the tool in the spindle is forced.

Possible consequence: damage to the spindle.

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(IV) Available functions with corresponding options

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(V) Tool breakage function - Warning

  • Always set the first field to 1 to perform tool breakage or 0 not to perform tool breakage (in the tools page).

  • Always edit the 2nd field to offset on Z if the tool is too "thin" to touch the base of this tool (in the tools page)

No test in AUTO during the tool change..

Risk of collision. The positioning on X and Z to perform the tool breakage test involves movements of the NC part. The tool must cross the machining area after the tool change and move to the test position. Depending on the size of the CNC part (pallet, support, workpiece, etc.), a collision is possible. Always check the path before starting the process to make sure it is free.

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(VI) Tool breakage function - information

The X and Z positioning to start the G815 command (tool breakage test) must be included in the machining program (manually or via postpro) when running in automatic mode.

In manual mode, the X and Z positioning to launch the G815 command (tool breakage test) must be performed by the operator.

Programme principal

- Boucle FOR (avec variable qui s'incrémente à chaque pièce) afin d'appeler cycliquement le programme d'usinage

--> Ajouter le code M310 avant le programme d'usinage et M311 après le programme d'usinage

  • M310 : start check du bris d'outil pendant usinage

  • M311 : stop check du bris d'outil pendant usinage

Programme d'usinage

- Programme du client

--> Ajouter après TOUS les changements d'outil (M6 Tx) les lignes suivantes :

$IF V.E.bFeederDumpPiece == TRUE
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(VII) Function dependent on feeds

In principle, all axis movements take into account the normal or rapid feed factor. If the feeds are set to 0%, then no movement takes place and the program remains frozen waiting for the axis to move to the target position.

The referencing function (G74) calls up axis referencing by the drive directly. Consequently, this function does not take into account the feedrate settings.

Nevertheless, during global referencing of the machine (homing), the sequence calls successively different functions in order to perform referencing then release of each axis (for example: offset on Z and X to free up space for B to perform referencing). Therefore, the homing sequence can only be completed when the feeds are set > 0%.

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